For over 20 years I’ve led and supported significant changes in government, health, and large organisations. Changes such as new systems and processes, restructures, culture change, capability uplifts, and digital transformations.
I’ve seen what happens when change is done badly. People who walk out and don’t come back. Poorly designed solutions. Delays and issues that undermine outcomes.
And I’ve seen what good looks like and the benefits of implementing change well – for people, customers, and the bottom line.
When you make change successfully:
- Your people feel valued and you build loyalty, capability and agility. They will be more productive and can focus on contributing their best.
- Your customers have easy access to high quality services and have a positive experience with happy people and seamless processes.
- Your bottom line reflects the benefits and return on investment you set out to achieve. Risk and disruption is minimised. Your organisation is better positioned to deliver on its purpose and vision.
When you make multiple changes successfully, you build a Culture of Innovation, as described below in Managing Change: The Outcome Matrix. See our related article Build an innovation culture, one change at a time.
Of course, managing change well can be challenging. I know this. There are many variables – funding and technical constraints, organisation dynamics and the ‘way things are done around here’, inadequate resourcing and capability, immature processes, or timeframe pressure (orange section anyone?).
The discipline of change management has come a long way though, offering tried and proven tactics and strategies to address these variables and create a pathway to success. Strategic change management helps you get ‘bang for your change management buck’, by prioritising interventions with the highest value and return on investment (of budget or effort). This expertise, of knowing what interventions to make, is what sets apart the best change management advisors, like ChangeEffect.
So this is why I love what I do. Helping government, health, and large organisations realise their potential to innovate and evolve as second nature, to create a ‘culture of innovation’. So they can deliver exceptional services to the community, with people who operate to their full potential, and seamless systems and processes.
Now who wouldn’t want to be striving for that?
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Because how you make change matters. It matters to your people, it matters to your customers, and it matters to your bottom line.
And it matters to me.